
Traditionnal soup "au gratin"

Your homemade soups won't be the same

Cooking time : 50 mn.
Ingredients (for 4 people) :

- 3 big onions
- 300gr of Tomme des Grands Causses
- 1 tablespoon of flour
- 1.5 liter of meat stock
- Large slices of bread
- Butter, salt and pepper

Chop the onions finely and make them brown with a knob of butter in a pan. Add the flour and stir. Add a little bit of meat stock.
Add a pinch of salt and pepper and let it cook for 30 min.

Meanwhile, chop the bread and the cheese finely and arrange them successively (layer by layer) in a soup tureen. Finish by a layer of cheese.

Then, pour the hot stock in the tureen and add two or three knobs of butter.
Grill the dish in the oven for 10 min at 400°F
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