
The farmer "Quiche"

The "Tomme des Grands Causses" will give a special taste to your "Quiche"

Préparation : 20 mn
- 300 gra of puff pastry
- 300 gr of bacon
- 3 dl of thick crème fraiche
- 3 eggs
- 2 onions
- 100 gr. of "Tomme des Grands Causses" cheese
- 25 gr. of butter
salt and pepper

Chop the bacon and the onions finely and brown the bacon in a pan with some butter. Add the onions and let it melt down.

Spread the pastry in a tin and add the bacon and the onions. Dust with the grated cheese (tomme des grands causses)

Mix togethr the eggs, the crème fraîche then add a pinch of salt and pepper and put the preparation in the pie.
Add som slices of butter onto it and the leftovers cheese

Put in the oven for 20 minutes - 392°F

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